
Follow Friday - Liekeland

I ordered some postcards a few weeks ago and was so happy to receive them yesterday! I love mail, even if it's something I bought for myself. This illustrator caught my attention because her contrast of of cool and brassy colors with pencil sketched creatures. I love how she marks her animals' fur with such detail and her characters' faces focus on expression. Her art has a very calming effect, doesn't it?

Isn't she lovely? Go check out her shop. You can also find her on instagram. If you order something, she throws in a couple of extra goodies and a hand-written note~

I bought the set of 8 postcards for this one scene: the boar and the wolf dancing on the table. Somehow this reminds me a my sister Jordan when we were kids...probably something we would have tried, when mom wasn't around.

I want to wear this bison's sweater! And I want to cuddle with it too!

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